At BrootSoft, the core of our business revolves around helping you complete your IT integration project ahead of schedule and leverage the associated cost savings.

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BrootSoft's established integration methodology contains five phases of project delivery. This ensures that all M&A exercises follow standardized, consistent, and repeatable processes designed to assist at each phase of the integration activity. Many of these processes are automated by proprietary tools, giving their clients a competitive edge over those using in house solutions.

5 Phases of Scenario Systems Solutions

Validation of current state assets including hardware, software labor and locations through mapping to general ledger values is conducted in phase one. Expense assumptions and synergy estimates are reaffirmed at this stage by normalizing financial values between merging organizations.

A target state staffing model is built during phase two where staffing counts are mapped to industry key performance indicators. Operational responsibilities and service delivery requirements are compared to ensure the ongoing confidence of business partners throughout the duration of the integration activity. Finally, run rates are reviewed - comparing discretionary and non-discretionary spending to either validate, suspend or re-allocate resources.

Definition of project resource requirements, timing and reporting structures are developed during phase three. The anticipated resource rationalization schedule and in year financial implications are also identified during this time.

At phase four, project execution is managed according to the plans defined in phase three. During this time, reporting and monitoring according to key deliverables and milestones is conducted - while function and process mapping ensure continued service delivery.

Finally, phase five uses financial scorecards to monitor performance against set objectives and "business as usual" budgets for the following year are defined by achieved financial objectives.

At BrootSoft we have developed tools and technology based on 20 years of experience in helping some of the most successful financial companies in the world. Experience you can take advantage of to successfully complete your IT integration project within budget and ahead of schedule.

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Phone: 1 416 366 6216